Blog Elena Stormoen
The multi-creator
We are used to thinking that the creative personality is chaotic, inconstant, frantic and capricious. It is so when this person has a lot of ideas and unfinished business.
All of his projects are waiting to happen, and they don’t always come to fruition. The creator is in turmoil. When he opens his record files, he hears the characters he has created gabbering, interrupting each other, trying to tell him their stories. Each story, each hero tries to draw attention to himself, so that the creator notices him and breathes life into him.
The creator wants to please everyone: he takes up one story, another interrupts him, and another one looms on the horizon. He loves them all, he doesn’t want to offend anyone, but when he’s exhausted, he closes Scrivener, Photoshop or washes his brushes and goes to wash the windows. Feelings, emotions, ideas overwhelm the excited soul of the creator. A tight hoop clutches the head. Yes, the creative person is chaotic and has a hard time making choices.
This blog will help me unload the clutter of my journals. Having made sure no one reads anything, I will write and post anything my soul desires here without fear of being ridiculed. Maybe the voices in my head will calm down and I can bring order to my creativity.
I won’t say goodbye!